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EN verzia + pdf : Chronicle of family BEVILACQUA.pdf (862563)

How italian stone-cutters came in Slovakia

Giusppe MIGLIERINA, an italian stone-cutter and owner of a firm MIGLIERINA, gained an order to build a railway track from Kosice to Bohumin in Slovakia around year 1885. Giuseppe MIGLIERINA bought  unused stone-pit from owner of a baths, in Gánovce near town POPRAD. He and his family settled down in POPRAD, where he builted a house. GIUSEPPE took his nephews Marco, Carlo and Paolo MIGLIERINA and another italian stone-cutters for seasonal jobs few years later. So, during years 1885 and 1888,  PIETRO BEVILACQUA and another stone-cutters (Comisso, Fiorovanti, Dezorzo,Venturini, Guriziano and others) came in Slovakia.

Several years later,  while working on tunnel railtracks expansion, Giuseppe began opening another  stone-pits in DREVENIK (under the castle Spišský hrad), in Besenova near town Liptovsky Mikulaš and one near a town Levice. Later, Giuseppe MIGLIERINA made wedding of his daughter Alica and his nephew Marco. Giuseppe entrusted  Marco to control work in Drevenik. After finishing the seasonal job, italians went back to Italy, but some of them had settled down indefinitely in Slovakia. In a village Dobrá Vôľa near Drevenik, indefinitely settled down Marco MIGLIRINA with his family, his younger brother Paolo, Luigi VENTURINI and Vincenzo VALDO and GURIZIANO.


PIETRO BEVILACQUA settled in Spišské Podhradie near Dreveník too. After the first world  war, majority of all italians returned home, part indeed sat out in Slovakia. There stayed PIETRO BEVILACQUA as one of them, who (36 years old) got maried with Mary REIF  17.5.1891, probably a daughter of an house owner , at whose house was PIETRO lodged.


Where do we come from

Family BEVILACQUA, originate in North Italy /village MEDUNO/, in province UDINE. I could not find any information about my family relatives in Italy.

The registration copies of my grand grandparents includes Pietro Bevilacqua from Italy were taken urgently from Italy 1941. It was only provement of the non-Jewish origin /according to law No. 198 in Slovak Republik/.

A surname Bevilaqua, in origin Bevilacqua is one of the most expanded name in Italy, nowadays you can find lots of carriers of that name in all over the world. It is easy to find it in the internet, there is lots of information, but there are not only those, that are really related to our family.

We do not know very much about an establisher of the origin in Slovakia - Pietro Bevilacqua, there is only verbal information about him. Supposedly, he was not a good father and husband, he beats his wife and he was quite jealous and selfish. He left his family. His children and their mother did everything to stay in proper life. When I was talking to my grandfather I could feel his personal odium to him.

The name Bevilacqua has changed to Bevilaqua by incorrect transcribing, An evidence of the non-acquintance is known from my grandfather's personal signature in his work book /Bevilaqua/. The work book was necessary in that time, it was printed in Hungarian /1902/ for the name Bevilacqua Péter.


                Everyone has gone his way

Pietro Bevilaqua and Maria Reif have had 5 children: Ján /John/, Augustín /August/, Ernest,Tobiáš /Tobias/ and Anna /Ann/. As it was already said, Pietro did not care about the family too much, so Maria took care of everything. The children had to help from the beginning of their childhood. It was very difficult for all of them, so it is obvious, that everyone went on their life path quite soon. We do not know much about the last days of Pietro Bevilaqua. The gradfather /his son/ did not want to talk about him and his children /my father, aunt and uncle/ do not remember him, because he died before they were born.   Pietro died in 1924 /We do not know it for sure./ and he was probably burried in a cemetery of Dobrá Vôľa. His wife Maria lived in Spišské Podhradie where she died in 1927 and was burried.


Ján /John/ Bevilaqua -  was born on 27/01/1889 in Trenčín. In 1921 /around that year/ he left for USA. We have had settled with his wife Maria Kondrat and her youngest brother Stefan in Johnstown, PS. They had four children:  John, Frank, Rudy and Mary.


Augustín Bevilaqua – was born in 1891 in Szeles Kút (Sološnica). After the end of the first world war he and his wife got settled in French town Lambersard /near Lille/. There were born their two sons and two daughters. Augustín and his oldest son Isidore had been in touch with my grand-father and my uncle Dr. Ladislav Bevilaqua by letters /utill the half of 60 th/.


Anna/Angela Bevilaqua – was born in 1893 in Suttó (Hungaria). She was the last one who was born there. Anna lived there her whole life. She got married with Štefan Vojčík. They had two sons. The oldest one /Štefan/ probably died on Russian front. Another one lived in Spišské Podhradie. 


Ernest Bevilaqua – my grand-father, was born in 24/01/1895 as a thirth son of their parents in Dobrá near Trenčín. As a chimneysweeper he became a master of chimneysweepers in Poprad. Ernest Bevilaqua got married on 20/09/1920 with Katarína /Cathrin/ Tatarkova from Spišské Podhradie. During the years 1921-1926 were born their four children: three boys /Ladislav, Ernest, Eugen/ and a girl /Marta/. They lived in Poprad their whole life. Ernest Bevilaqua died in 1975, his wife died in 1993 /as 92 years old/. They were buried together in cemetery in Poprad – Veľká.


Tobiáš /Tobias/ Bevilaqua – was born as a fourth child on 07/03/1898 in Spišské Podhradie. After his studies he became a master of chimneysweepers in Sobrance /the east of Slovakia/. He got married in 1923 with Mária Kukemezyová. They had three children: two boys /Ernest, Tibor/ and a girl /Klára/. After his wife´s death in 1929 he got married again with Alžbeta Hutyrová, with whom he got two sons /Richard and Tobiáš/.

During the second world war he was on politic scene, therefore he had to leave the Republic of Czechoslovakia after the war. The latest years of his life he had lived in Austria, where he died in 1973 in Ried Im Inkreis. He were buried there too.